Base Running And Signals Team Play

Base Running

Ty Cobb, one of the greatest all-around players of the game, says. ‘Base running is an art and a science. The secret of base stealing is to get the jump on the pitcher. Watch the pitcher’s feet. I always did that, because in order to throw to first the pitcher must move his foot toward first. When I saw that foot move toward first, I always slid back into the bag. When the pitcher’s foot moved toward the plate, I lit out for second base,”
In Figure 69 you will see the proper method for the fall-away or hook slide. The base runner must not jump at the base in sliding but should hit the dirt ten to fifteen feet away from the base.

You can practice sliding on the gross in your stocking feet. When you think you get the idea, spread several inches of dirt around a base. Clear all stones and pebbles away and wear sliding pads in your baseball pants to protect your thighs.

Signals Team Play

On any successful learn the individual members must work as a unit for the sole purpose of winning the game. If team play is to result, the manager, captain, or coach must be the leader and give the signals. The signal system should be as simple as possible. Word signals are not so effective as the natural movements of the body. Figures 70 and 71 demonstrate a few signals for a sandlot or high-school team.